
The project management structure comprises:

  • Project Leader (Coordinator)
  • Management Board
  • Team Leaders
  • Leaders of Working Groups.

The project coordinator is responsible for:

  • Full technical and financial management of the project.
  • Efficient project administration.
  • Overall coordination of activities.
  • Communication with the National Science Fund.
  • Preparation of reports to the National Science Fund.

The Management Board consists of Teams leaders, Leaders of Working Groups under the management of the Project Coordinator. Its task is to control the development and implementation of the project.

The Management Board meets four times a year, deals with problems that require immediate resolution, and will be responsible for:

  • Project management.
  • Management and monitoring of all aspects during project development.
  • Making decisions on emerging issues and conflicts.

The working groups are formed in accordance with the work packages and the work program of the project. For each working group, two managers are envisaged - one from the basic organization - TU-Sofia and one from the partner universities - in order to increase the efficiency in the implementation of the assigned tasks.

The organizational structure of the project management includes:

Project manager (Project Coordinator). The project manager has experience in working with the organization, development and implementation of research projects. The Project Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the actions of the partners and offers and prepares all questions related to the implementation of the activities. Particular attention is paid to coordination of the tasks that provide opportunities for joint implementation with the aim of multiplying the effect. The project coordinator is responsible for the quality performance of activities and the project as a whole. He/she plans and chairs functional meetings related to the development of methodologies, seminars, participation in conferences and discussion of scientific materials and others. He/she shall prepare and discuss all reports on project work. The project coordinator is the contact person for the project.

Team Leaders for each of partner organization: Each partner (University "Angel Kanchev" of Ruse and University “Prof. A. Zlatarov”-Burgas) appoint a person responsible for the project, who manages, organizes and is responsible for the organization of the project to the relevant team, coordinates the activities with the coordinator and prepares the documents needed for a general presentation/reporting job. He/she organizes, manages and reports the project activities to the partners.

Accountant: Organizes, manages and reports the overall financial and accounting activities related to the project; monitors the proper use of funds, considers the requirements of the program; signs orders for costs and costs incurred; prepares documents for wages and makes payments; performs other financial and accounting activities related to the work on the project. The accounting administration of the project will be conducted by the basic organization and partner organizations.

Technical Assistant: He/she is the person for day-to-day communication and passing of information between the partners. He/she does full secretarial and office work - contacts, messages, information, recruiting, drafting, sending and receiving letters, filing and more.

- Leaders of working groups in specific directions and priorities (Work Packages). The working groups are formed according to the work packages for the implementation of the project and the specific research work. Leaders are appointed for each working group. The following working groups are envisaged, in accordance with the work program, work packages, project themes and objectives:

  • Modelling of passenger transport.
    The working group will do fundamental research on modelling and optimization of passenger transport technologies.

  • Modelling of freight and intermodal transport.
    The working group will conduct fundamental research on modelling and optimization of intermodal transport technologies.

  • Experiments.
    The working group will conduct experimental studies on energy efficiency of transport, traffic flow monitoring and additional experimental work related to the project topic.

  • Fuel.
    The working group is responsible for optimizing the processes of desulphurization and deaeration of gasoil fractions from Bulgarian raw materials.

Project coordinator

Prof. Svetla Stoilova, DSc – Technical University of Sofia

Team Leaders from partner organizations

  • Team Leader for the Angel Kanchev University of Ruse is Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD
  • Team Leader for Prof. Dr A. Zlatarov University – Burgas is Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Tasheva, PhD

Leaders of Working Groups:

Working group Modelling of passenger transport

  • Prof. Svetla Stoilova, DSc – Technical University of Sofia
  • Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD - Angel Kanchev University of Ruse

Working group Modelling of freight and intermodal transport

  • Prof. Svetla Stoilova, DSc – Technical University of Sofia
  • Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD - Angel Kanchev University of Ruse

Working group Experiments

  • Prof. Lilo Kunchev, PhD – Technical University of Sofia
  • Assoc. Prof. Asen Asenov, PhD - Angel Kanchev University of Ruse

Working group Fuel

  • Prof. Lilo Kunchev, PhD – Technical University of Sofia
  • Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Tasheva, PhD - Prof. Dr A. Zlatarov University – Burgas